Kure Beach, North Carolina

Our vacation started with a day at Kure Beach, about two hours drive SE of Raleigh, North Carolina.  Luckily, the Green flag was out, showing that the surf was light – indicative of good swimming and bogey-boarding. Terns swooped overhead as my son took me out into the surf with an ocean wheelchair. They are wheelchairs that look like they have big, fat donuts for wheels and can be had by calling the local fire department (at current, free of charge). The only problem was: he got a really good workout by keeping the chair from getting entrenched in the sand with each wave. He didn’t mind, though and kept it up despite my protestations to go have a good time with his sister, Beth, and niece, Sarah. Beth also took a turn at it, so it was lucky they were both in good shape. The water at first felt cold, but quickly felt warm while the outside wind went from warm to cold; It is odd how the sensations of each quickly reversed itself.  Afterwards, we went to a restaurant named ‘Big Daddy’s”. It had terrific seafood as I can recommend first-hand. The rest of the day was spent more at home, walking down a block from their home to a nearby lake. All was a big photo op for me as I rarely get out of the backyard for my pictures, so it has been a wonderful vacation thus far.


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.


About wolfen1758@gmail.com

I am a grandmother of three teens (1 girl and 2 boys), and a three-day-old grandson. My friend, Barb is a prolific blogger and she encouraged me to become more outgoing in my thoughts and ideas. I decided to start with a photo blog as that seems more comfortable a fit.
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