Why Does Time Go Faster as We Age?


It is the end of June and here I sit, wondering where May went? It feels as if I went to bed one night, then blinked an eye the next day – and hey Presto…here it is the end of June. I have no idea where the time went.

Scientists have the same question, and as a result, several studies have been made. In the 1960s, Wallach and Green took two groups: One with 18-20-year-old’s, and a group with the age median of 71. Now, when asked to describe time, the younger group responded with things like: Time is a tranquil ocean. The older group, on the other-hand, described it like a speeding train.

The first main study in 2005 by Wittmann and Lehnhoff of Maximlian University Munich recruited people 19-99. They found a weak connection between age and time, but found it to be linked with “time pressure”;  Children looking forward to things like Christmas feel that time takes forever to get there. Other people (not teens – and under 50) were busy with family, jobs, social clubs, and so on. Those  people felt there was not enough time to do everything they needed done.  The elderly, if infirm or bored, like children, also felt like time just dragged on.

Some investigators have suggested that the amount of energy spent during thinking and experiencing defines the subjective experience of duration.  In other words, the more energy it takes to process a stimulus the longer it appears as a subjective experience of time.  Something moving toward you has more relevance than the same stimulus moving away from you:  You may need to prepare somehow; Time seems to move more slowly.

The experience of time is not linear. Fear and joy stretch time as do stimuli that move towards us.  What can we learn from these studies for our day-to-day experiences?  When we experience something as “taking a long time” it is really the result of three inter-twined processes: the actual duration of the event, how we feel about the event, and whether we think the event is approaching us.  There is little we can do about the first factor but there are obvious ways of modulating how we feel about an event and how we think about an event approaching us.  Future studies will need to address the question of whether modifying these factors can alter our subjective time experience so that that we can shorten life’s painfully extended moments of boredom and extend those wonderful moments of bliss. ” – Scientific American ‘Why Does Time Fly?’

So here I sit, hopefully getting a little bit smarter about the subject. I think I will do my best to forego the stress and boredom – and try to stay moderately busy; If I do so, time might just even out again. I will let you know if it works.



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Why Do We Like Flowers?


People from all over the world – and from ancient times to the present, give great value to flowers. Not only do we consider them beautiful, but it makes us happy to both give and receive them. why? Studies have shown that giving flowers makes the giver appear to be happier than most, successful, and sociable. The receiver feels cared for, loved, and happier. Some flowers’ fragrance can mimic our sex pheromones, which is likely why they are used for romance…and partly why we are so attracted to them. I personally love the colors they produce as well as the fragrance – and thus enjoy photographing them.

Go outside and take a walk through your neighborhood. Enjoy the abundance of a variety of flowers and let it take away the stress of the day.




Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones

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Special Olympics



The Special Olympics is a program designed to bring intellectually challenged individuals the joy of experiencing achievement through sports. It was founded in 1968 and is active in 169 countries. It is an amazing experience to see a  young Olympian finish a race and run up to a coach with glowing eyes for a high-five.

There is nothing as important as giving self-worth – and that is exactly what the Special Olympics is about, so I encourage (strongly) that we all donate to this wonderful organization so it can continue to grow and empower those young souls. Donations may be made at: give.specialolympics.org .




Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.

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Why We Love Our Pets


What is it about an animal that grabs our hearts and makes us fall in love with them? Is it the way a dog looks at you, wags it’s tail. and maybe tries to lick you (a kiss)? Or the way a cat comes up and brushes against you as if to say, you are my human? In either case, I believe we love our pets because they give us unconditional love and quickly become entrenched as our “children” – listening and following directions when we give them, and snuggling up to us when they sense we’ve had a rough day. They are always there for us – non-judgmental, giving us their undivided attention when we need to talk to them about our day – or problems. They also let us pet them – lowering our blood pressure (and theirs, too). This world would be an empty, forlorn place without our beloved pets.


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.

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Kure Beach, North Carolina

Our vacation started with a day at Kure Beach, about two hours drive SE of Raleigh, North Carolina.  Luckily, the Green flag was out, showing that the surf was light – indicative of good swimming and bogey-boarding. Terns swooped overhead as my son took me out into the surf with an ocean wheelchair. They are wheelchairs that look like they have big, fat donuts for wheels and can be had by calling the local fire department (at current, free of charge). The only problem was: he got a really good workout by keeping the chair from getting entrenched in the sand with each wave. He didn’t mind, though and kept it up despite my protestations to go have a good time with his sister, Beth, and niece, Sarah. Beth also took a turn at it, so it was lucky they were both in good shape. The water at first felt cold, but quickly felt warm while the outside wind went from warm to cold; It is odd how the sensations of each quickly reversed itself.  Afterwards, we went to a restaurant named ‘Big Daddy’s”. It had terrific seafood as I can recommend first-hand. The rest of the day was spent more at home, walking down a block from their home to a nearby lake. All was a big photo op for me as I rarely get out of the backyard for my pictures, so it has been a wonderful vacation thus far.


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.


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Oh to have a friend is a wonderful thing! We chat about the weather, family, worries, and hopes for the future. None of us can survive just by ourselves; We need friends to lean on, to encourage, to love. Above are three examples of friendship:

Once while visiting a nursing home, I noticed a woman who was very visibly upset. Quietly, the woman near her gently took her hand and simply held it, and the upset woman calmed down considerably. All she needed was a friend who cared about her.

The second photo depicts friends out on a boat having fun. They aren’t  thinking about problems,  but have little care in the world right now. Remember those days? Sometimes we would be spontaneous – just let things happen. Suddenly go to the zoo or the mall for no reason at all but to have spontaneous fun. And the laughter? Sometimes we would laugh until we couldn’t breathe and our ribs hurt. THAT was when we knew we were having the best time ever.

The third picture depicts two men having a serious, heart-to-heart talk about problems – or maybe about fishing and other interests. It is a calm, quiet friendship that does not have to prove anything to anyone. That is good friendship..

So, if you don’t have friends – and even if you do, go out and meet new people; Let them know you exist and have fun! And remember, they are a good support system when you need it. Be a friend, too.


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.

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First Lily of the Season


Today was a joyous one as I saw the first lily of the season; That means Summer is near and my vacation to go see my grandson is even closer.  I am so excited for both!


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.

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I’m King of the Mountain!

IMG_3602Goldie and her brother were playing on a heavy stack of lumber and she made it to the top of the pile. She acted as if she were teasing him, calling,  “I am King of the Mountain!”

He acted nonchalant, but the minute she got down, he climbed his way to the top and looked down on her in the same manner. It was funny.  They are so cute to watch as they grow each day and learn new behaviors. I can’t think of better entertainment.


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.

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Loving Hands


My friend, Barb with Little Gray who is the mother of two boisterous kittens. She took a moment away from mothering to eat – and for a little cuddling.


Photos are from the private and copyrighted collection of Nancy A. Jones.

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